Department Labs are as follows
1. Physics Lab
Area of Laboratory:- 82 Sqm.
Laboratory In charge: Prof. Wadne Usha Kedari
Laboratory resources:-
* Basic Laser Kit with helium neon laser
* Digital Storage oscilloscope 25 mHz with LCD colour screen with frequency counter.
* Hall effect experiment set up.
* e/m by Thomson method apparatus.
* Newton’s ring apparatus.
* Study of photo cell characteristics complete set up.
* Transistor characteristics complete set up.
* Ultrasonic interferometer .
2. Chemistry Lab
Area of Laboratory:- 87 Sqm.
Laboratory In charge: Prof. Turup Narayan Govind.
Laboratory resources:-
* Redwood Viscometer
* Monocular Inclined metrological microscope
* Digital Ph meter with combined electrode
* Conductivity meter with battery operated
* Digital PH meter with ATC probe
* Electronic Balance
* Muffle Furnance
* Waterbath