E & TC
List of Publications by Faculty
1. Dr. S.S. Kanade
International Journals-
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and P. M. Patil,”Dominant Color Based Extraction Of Key Frames For Sports Video Summarization”,International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology,Vol. 6,Issue 1,pp.504-512,ISSN: 2231-1963,Mar. 2013. (Impact Factor 0.86).
� Sudhir S Kanade and Pradeep M Patil.”Lawn Tennis Video Summarization based on Audiovisual and Text Feature Analysis”,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 42�No.19,pp. 28-35,Doi: 10.5120/5803-8126,March 2012. (Impact Factor 0.835).
� Sudhir S. Kanade and P. M. Patil,”Survey of Video Summarization”,International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Telecommunication Systems,Vol.2 No.1,pp.47-55,ISSN: 2229-3078,January-June 2010.
� Sudhir S. Kanade and Raut Anant S.,”Detection and Removal of Object-Oriented Shadows from Urban High-Resolution RSI”,International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),ISSN: 2278-0181,Vol. 4 Issue 01,January-2015. (Impact Factor 1.76).
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Tajashri S. Bobade,” An Amalgamation-Based System for aneurysm Detection and Diabetic Retinopathy Grading”,International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER),ISSN: 2249-6645,vol. 5,Issue 1,Jan. 2015.
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Padmanabh D. Deshpande,”SPAA Aware Multiplier Accumulation Unit for Error Tolerant Digital Image Processing Application”,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research(IJSER),ISSN 2229-5518,Volume 6,Issue 1,January-2015. (Impact Factor: 3.2).
� Sudhir S. Kanade and Durga S. Patil,”Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room Before Encryption”,International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE),(ISSN 2395-4396),pp 184-192,2016. (Impact Factor: 3.58).
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Pushkaraj B. Thorat,”Automated Scaling of Cluster Using Deployment Diagrams in Platform-As-A- Service”,International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE),ISSN(Online): 2320-9801,ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 2,Issue 12,December 2014.
� Bondar V.S. and Sudhir S. Kanade,”Review on Techniques for Total Throughput Maximization of Two-Way Relay Networks Using At Cooperative Protocol”,International Journal Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER),ISSN: 2249�6645,Vol. 4,Issue 12,Dec. 2014.
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Sandip S. Gujare,”Comparative Study Of Different Digital Inpainting Algorithms”,International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET),ISSN 0976- 6464(Print),ISSN 0976- 6472(Online),Volume 5,Issue 12,December (2014),pp. 258-265� IAEME. (Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.2836 (Calculated by GISI)).
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Deepak V. Jadhav,”Detecting Network Attacks Using Flow-Based Techniques”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE),ISSN: 2277 128X,Volume 4,Issue 12,December – 2014,pp. 574-578. (Impact Factor: 2.5).
� Kharge S. M.,Deshpande L. M.,and Kanade S. S.,”A New Approach for Skin tone Based Steganography with Key analysis For Mistreatment Biometrics”,International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT),ISSN: 2277 -3754,Volume 3,Issue 5,November 2013. (Impact Factor: 2.137).
� Lagdive Kedar M.,and Kanade Sudhir S.,”Detecting Disconnection in Wireless Sensor Network”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJRCSSE),ISSN: 2277 128x,Volume 3,Issue 11,November 2013. (Impact Factor: 2.5).
� Kazi Yaser Arafat S ,Sudhir S. Kanade,” Imagined Speech EEG Signal Processing For Brain Computer Interface”,International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM),ISSN 2319- 4847,Volume 3,Issue 7,pp 123-126,July 2014. (Journal Impact Factor (2014): 3.115).
� Bondar V.S. and Sudhir S. Kanade,”Total Throughput Maximization of Two-Way Relay Networks Using Af Cooperative Protocol”,International organization of Scientific Research,ISSN (e): 2250-3021,ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 04,PP 29-33,Issue 06 (June. 2014). (Impact Factor: 1.645).
� Sangita S L,and S. S. Kanade,”A brief review on image restoration in image processing”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE),ISSN (Print) : 2319-5940,ISSN (Online) : 2278-1021 Vol. 2,Issue 6,June 2013. (Journal Impact Factor 4.582).
� Dnyaneshwar V.Haralkar,Dr. Sudhir S. Kanade,”Performance And Analysis Of Improved Unsharp Masking Algorithm For Image Enhancement”,International Journal Of Electronics And Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET),ISSN 0976- 6464(Print),ISSN 0976- 6472(Online),Volume 4,Issue 2,March- April,2013,pp. 399-411. (Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.8896).
� Anirudha R. Deshpande,and Dr. Sudhir S. Kanade,�Zernike Moment Of Invariants For Effective Image Retrieval Using Gaussian Filters”,International Journal Of Electronics And Communication Engineering & Technology (Ijecet),ISSN 0976- 6464(Print),ISSN 0976- 6472(Online),Volume 4,Issue 2,of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622,Vol. 2,Issue4,March- April,2013,pp. 412-425. (Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.8896).
� Ms. Ashwina N. Patil,Prof. S.S. Kanade,Ms. S.S. Bhakare,”Fast Recovery for Dual-Link Failure through Backup Path”,International Journal July-August 2012,pp.1486-1489. (Journal Impact Factor 1.69 ).
� Sanjeevani subhash kagade,and Prof. Dr. Kanade Sudhir Siddheshwar,”Robust DCT Watermarking for Digital Images”,International Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical,Electronics,Instrumentation And Control Engineering,ISSN (Online) 2321-2004 ,ISSN (Print) 2321-5526,Vol. 3,Issue 3,March 2015. (Journal Impact Factor 3.885).
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Nayna V. Bhosale,”A Survey on Implementation of VLSI Based Image Compression Scheme on Reconfigurable Computing System”,International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (Impact Factor: 2.916),ISSN: 2319-8885,PP 1907-1910,2015.
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and Sangita S. Londhe,”Bird Species Identification Using Support Vector Machine”,International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing IJCSMC,(Impact Factor: 4.277),ISSN: 2320�088X,pg.125- 135,Vol. 4,Issue. 9,September 2015.
� Sandip S.Gujare,and Sudhir S.Kanade,”Super-Resolution of an Image using Examplar Technique”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN (Print) : 2320- 3765,ISSN (Online): 2278- 8875,Vol. 4,Issue 9,pp 7924-7931,September 2015.
International Coference Proceedings-
� Kanade S. S. and Patil P.M.,” Representative Frame Decoration using unsharp filter in video summarization”,International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP) 2011,ISBN: 978-1-4244-9798-0 DOI: 10.1109/ICCSP.2011.5739389 ,pp. 570- 573,IEEE 2011.
� Sudhir S. Kanade,and P. M. Patil,”Lawn Tennis Tournament Classification Based On Dominant Play Field Color Analysis for Video Summarization”,International Conference On Computational Intelligence And Computing Research (2011 IEEE ICCIC).
� Sudhir S. Kanade and Pradeep M. Patil,”Dominant Audio Energy Based Key Frame Extraction for Sports Video Summarization”,International Conference on Advancements in Electronics and Power Engineering (ICAEPE’2011),pp. 75-77,Bangkok Dec.,2011.
� Ashwina N. Patil,S. S. Kanade,and A. N. Holambe,”Link Protection for Dual Link Failure through Backup Path”,International Conference on Engineering Innovation and Technology,ISBN: 978-93-81693-77-3,Nagpur,1st July 2012.
� Lagdive Kedar M.,and Kanade Sudhir S.,”Performance Comparison of Multicast Protocol SPBM,ODMRP and EGPM over MANET”,2nd International conference on Advances in Computer and Information Technology,ISBN: 978-93-81583-89-08,30th April 2013,Goa,pp. 129-136.
� Sanjeevani Subhash Kagade and Sudhir S. Kanade,”Digital Image Watermarking by using DCT”,Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom; INDIACom-2016; IEEE Conference ID: 37465,2016 3rd International Conference on”Computing for Sustainable Global Development”,16th – 18th March,2016. Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM),New Delhi (INDIA).
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings-
� S. S. Kanade,K. K. Sudevan,and T. R. Sontakke,”Electroencephalogram classification through Fourier Transform”,National Conference on Advances in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 2005 (NCAETE-2005),pp. 631-636.
� R. P. Shelkikar and S. S. Kanade,”License Plate Recognition of Vehicle Image using Segmentation”,National Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computations-2008 (NCSEC-08),pp. 48-49.
� S. S. Kanade and P. M. Patil,”Key Frame Decoration for Video Representation in Video Summarization”,National Conference on Nascent Trends in Information and Communication Technologies (Equinox 2010),pp76-80.
� Mr. Lagdive K. M. and Kanade S. S.”Modified and Scalable Multicasting over MANET”,National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI,Embedded System,Signal Processing and Communication,2013.
Books- Nil
2. Prof.S.R.Panke
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings – Nil
Books- Nil
3. Prof.L.M.Deshpande
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings -Nil
Books- Nil
4. Prof. A.P.Mane
International Journals
1. Jatin M. Patil,Ashok P. Mane ,”Multi Font and Size Optical Character Recognition using Template Matching,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE),vol. 3,Issue 1,Sr. No.80,January 2013,pp.504-506.
2. V,C. Maindargi,A.P. Mane,”Decimated and Undecimated Wavelet Transform based Image Enhanceent”,International Journal of Industrial Electrical,Electronics,Control and Robotics,Vol.3,Issue 5,August 2013,pp.26-30.
3. Jeevan Musale,A.P. Mane,”Indian Sign Language Recognition System using Combinational Feature”,Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering,Vol.1,Issue 4,March 2016,pp.19-23.
4. Jeevan Musale,A.P. Mane,”Indian Sign Recognition with Implementation of Speeded up Robust Feature Algorithm”,International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology,March 2016,ISSN: 2277-9655.
International Coference Proceedings
1. Mane A.P.,K.K. Sudevan,L.M. Waghmare,,”Fiber optics sensors and Instrumentation,” International conference on Broad band optical fiber communication technology,(BBOFCT-2001),North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon,December 5-7,2001,pp.419-425.
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings
1. Mane A.P.,Kolhe P.S.,”Fractal Image Compression using PIFS and its Analysis,” National conference on communication technology,(NCSEC-08),TPCTs College of Engineering,Osmanabad.
2. Edited proceeding of,” National conference on communication technology,(NCSEC-08)”,TPCTs College of Engineering,Osmanabad.
1. A text book”Digital Communication” Renuka Prakashan,Aurangabad (M.S.),March-2007 by A.P. Mane,and D.B.Mantri.
2. A text book”Elements of Electronics and Computer Engineering” Vidhyarthi Prakashan,Aurangabad (M.S.),March-2007 by A.P. Mane,D.B.Mantri,R.N. Chavan and P.B.Shitole.
5. Prof. S.G. Shinde
International Journals-
1. MIMO- OFDM wireless communication technology using BPSK modulation using V-Blast method.
2. Devnagri OCR using KNN and moment
3. Smart antenna system for wireless communication.
4. Hardware unit for Edge- detection with comparative analysis of different Edge detection approaches.
5. IOT frame work for energy efficient smart building.
International Coference Proceedings-
1. MIMO- OFDM wireless communication technology using BPSK modulation using V-Blast method.
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings-
1. Topological reordering of pixels and lossless image compression.
2. Smart antenna system for wireless communication.
6. Prof. R.P.Shelkikar
International Journals-Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings- Nil
7. Prof.S.G.Aghor
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings -Nil
Books- Nil
8. Prof. P.B.Shitole
International Journals-
1. PAPR analysis of CDMA technology published in IJEC journal on May 2011
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals-Nil
National Coference Proceedings-Nil
1. A text book”Elements of Electronics and Computer Engineering” Vidhyarthi Prakashan,Aurangabad (M.S.),March-2007 by A.P. Mane,D.B.Mantri,R.N. Chavan and P.B.Shitole.
9. Prof. Mrs. N.V. Bhosale
International Journals-
1. Nayna V. Bhosale and Sudhir S.Kanade,” A Serve on implementation of VLSI based image compression scheme on reconfigurable computing system,” international journal of scientific engineering and technology research,ISSN : 2319-8885,pp1907-1910,2015.
2. Nayna V. Bhosale and Vandana B. Malode,” A lifting based DWT Scheme for image compression using VHDL,” international journal of scientific engineering and technology research,ISSN : 2319-8885,pp 0991-0996 ,2014.
International Coference Proceedings-
1. International conference on science and technology (icst-2k14),” Image compression and enhancement using DET-IDWT on FPGA” held at S.B. Patil college of Engineering Indapur,Pune.
2. International conference Electronics and Telecommunication,electrical and computer engineering (technovision-2014),”Hardware implementation of image compression technique using wavelet,” held at shinhgad institute of technology and science,Narhe,Pune.
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings-Nil
Books:- Nil
10. Prof.Mrs V.C. Maindargi
International Journals-
1. V,C. Maindargi,A.P. Mane,”Decimated and Undecimated Wavelet Transform based Image Enhanceent”,International Journal of Industrial Electrical,Electronics,Control and Robotics,Vol.3,Issue 5,August 2013,pp.26-30.
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings-
1. Maindargi V.C.,�Wireless sensor network,” National conference on scientific and engineering computation 2008 (NCSEC-08),TPCTs College of Engineering,Osmanabad.
2. Maindargi V.C.,�Image Inhancement,” National conference on Emerging trends in electrical and electronics engineering 2013,V.V.P. Institute of engineering and technology,Solapur.
3. Maindargi V.C.,�Image resolution enhancement ,” National level conference (WEENGS-13),TPCTs College of Engineering,Osmanabad.
Books- Nil
11. Prof. V.A. Daware
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings-
1. Published a paper on”Network migration from 3G TO 4G” in NCSEC08,College of Engineering Osmanabad.
12. Prof. Mrs. S.D. Jagtap
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings-
1. Prof. Mrs. Sujata D. Jagtap,” Multimedia on symbian operating system”,in ICSES� 10 organised by SESCOE Navalnagar jointly with IEEE Bombay section and computer society,April 2010.
2. Prof. Mrs. Sujata D. Jagtap & Miss Madhu G. Mungle,” Pattern detection based on boasting machine learing algorithm,” ICOST 2011-Computer Engineering,organized by SSVPS,BSDCOE and Polytecnic in association with JJT university,Rajasthan.
National Journals-Nil
National Coference Proceedings-
1. Prof. Mrs. Sujata D. Jagtap,Miss Gouri N,. Deshmukh,” Number Plate Recognition using Canny Edge Detector”,National conference on Recent trends in electronics at coe,Pandharpur,2007.
2. Prof. Mrs. Sujata D. Jagtap,Mr. Aniruddha Deshpande,” Multiple segmentation using normalized cuts”,national level conference -11 held on 26th march 2011 at BIGCE,Kegaon,Solapur.
Books- Nil
13.Prof. D.B. Thakur
International Journals- Nil
International Coference Proceedings- Nil
National Journals- Nil
National Coference Proceedings- Nil